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Shan-Ling Industrial Co., Ltd. as founded in 1983, has been dedicating for the past two decades to the researching and production of valve balls, one of the major parts for the ball valves. In the early stage of operation, the company specialized in the production of valve balls, due to the reliable quality, its products of valve balls are well accepted by the local customers of valve manufacturers and have been exporting to many countries in the world. As we have successfully gained the recognition in the market on the stainless steel balls, we extend our expertise in developing new stainless steel pipe flanges. With the highest quality, advanced technology and exceptional service, we strike to be the leader in the industry. The flanges are manufactured in accordance with international standard specification (DIN. ANSI. JIS), material includes: 304, 304L, 316, 316L…or any other special material, available upon request. 山靈企業股份有限公司成立於1987年, 除了早期致力於專業得閥球製作外, 近年來更積極地朝白鐵鑄造得法蘭片領域前進, 無論在品質. 技術與服務上, 均備受業界之推崇與肯定。 本公司的法蘭片乃依據國際標準規範(DIN, ANSI, JIS)生產製作, 材質多採不鏽鋼304, 304L, 316, 316L…, 除上述之標準規格外, 亦可接受客戶指定之特殊尺寸。
We are hiring the international minded, passionate and self-driven calibrates to join our company! HL Management Consultants (HL) was established in 2008. We concentrate on identifying and selecting outstanding technical experts, middle to upper management candidates for companies in technology industry in Asia region. We work closely with international scaled companies such as TSMC, Qualcomm, Intel, HP and partner with venture capitals to search the executives for its invested pre- IPO and start-ups through Asia region and US. Beside the executive search services, we provide individual development and career counseling services. We operate our company to the highest ethical standards. “Integrity”, “Professionalism” and “Passion towards people and knowledge” are our core values demonstrating in the interaction with the companies and the candidates. We firmly believe by assisting people to explore their potentials and placing the talents in right platforms leads to a greater world.
in the playground 複合式專賣店,是一間針對懷有赤子之心的"kidult"族群所規劃的配件專賣店. 專門販售世界知名品牌鞋子
APO International, founded in February 2004 in Taiwan, is a specialist providing projector lamps for customers from all over the world. The president, Samuel Chen and its expert team have over 10-years experience and rich knowledge in the domain of front/rear projection display industry. Having in-depth knowledge in this domain, which is considered as APO’s core competency, APO possesses a state-of-the-art database containing the technical specification of over 3 thousand project lamps coming from various brands that are available in the market. In addition, APO is one of the few professionals who specialize in researching. It is difficult to find such a company like APO, which can supply quality original modules from projector manufacturers, as well as original bulb inside module with APO housing for over thousands of projectors from over 80 brands.
公司簡介 汎宇藥業股份有限公司為一群醫藥學院藥師群精英,歷經十多年醫藥界、經營歷練後,為求提供醫藥界最佳產品、合理的服務,同時給予藥師及同事們更有專業、創意的發展空間,于民國89年5月成立於中部。 公司初期代理全球數種專利藥品,如:義大利原廠OHB12B15000、Pierami (Amikacin)、Xenar(Naproxin),德國R.P藥廠Ginkgo、Larbol,日本富士H.C.G.注射用胎盤素。男女性荷爾蒙注射劑以及特殊製劑如:比利時Sanico藥廠Sanitatin、Sanofen,日本日新藥廠Coponent、Ridrase,加拿大Apo-Atenol。此外也代理美國Puritam pride藥廠的綜合維他命B-50、Stress zinc,及英國SB集團原裝進口之Vykmin。 在台灣亦有代理數家CGMP藥廠的特殊製劑,如:龍杏Fusoco,政德Bropan,明大Cold Cap.,永昌,及健亞降血脂藥Simvastatin、,衛達Rayor,皇佳最新一代ACEI:Ramitace。 最近更加入美國ICN(艾欣)公司的左旋C、玻尿酸、美白霜等保養品代理,法國進口藥品級乳酸菌Antibiophilus;德國Fresinus雙胜胺、Aminoveinl針劑。 全公司內外勤約23人,負責全國醫藥品的銷售服務;90~97年1月年平均成長率近兩成,是一家小而美,年輕活力的成長公司。 經營理念 提供世界級最好產品(而非僅符合CGMP水準藥品),以熱誠、創新、堅毅的服務態度、合理公道價格,立於度競爭的醫療界。 對內:用人唯才、公平開放、全員共享 對外:不斷尋找更好產品,進入台灣市場﹔也尋求有心的事業夥伴,共創生命意義。 汎宇不大,但我們專業 汎宇不完美,但我們很努力 汎宇起步稍遲,但我們更積極 汎宇是平凡的 但我們有夢有願景 聚於期盼、打拼、永續經營的決心裡 Mission Statement We are committed to supplying the state-of-the-art products (far beyond the criteria of CGMP for medicines): With enthusiastic, innovative, and persistent attitudes to have a solid stand in such a highly-competitive medical field. Ability and expertise have been regarded as our top priority when selecting our staff under a fair and open system, making Cosmic their greatest pride. Our future prospect To seek the best medicine throughout the world. To usher in the medicines into the Taiwan market as an agent. To look for superior business partners for mutual business opportunity. Though not big, we have our professionalism; though not perfect, we endeavor to become better; though starting a bit late, we are aggressive for progress and growth. Normal as we are, we are embracing our dream and prospect that constitute our determination for ever-lasting operation in business.
The Edscha Group has been a partner to the automobile industry since the invention of the automobile. Under the umbrella of Gestamp Automoción today we serve from 19 production sites worldwide, including 14 production plants, almost all motor vehicle manufacturers with our products and our know-how. In each of our divisions we hold leading competitive positions. Thus, Edscha is world market leader and leader in innovation for door hinges and door checks in the Hinge Systems Division. In Driver Controls (foot controls and parking brakes) we are one of the leading european suppliers.
Contrarian Group 為一橫跨航運、物流、後勤、和海運之跨國企業,於亞洲尋求充滿活力、知識豐富之職員。我們尋求對於近東、中東、與遠東物流和全球物流有豐富經驗的職員。 我們需要職員分析現行物流、航運之流程,同時為我們的客戶研擬商品物流策略和方法,以滿足他們於此地區的需求。 A multi-national company that provides shipping, logistics and maritime services is looking for energetic, knowledgeable candidates to expand its footprint in the Asian market. The ideal candidate would have current experience in Near and Middle East, East Asia and world-wide shipping. Responsibilities include providing analysis of current processes to develop strategies that meet our clients requirements for a wide range of services sourced from within the region. Expertise in one or more of the following areas is preferred: - Port security personnel - Inspections - Database management - Shipping managers - Customs enforcement - Logistics coordinators - Disaster recovery systems and plans - Data backup services and management - Analysis - Communication technology and IDS - Operating systems and platforms - Documentation Managers - Sales managers - Freight forwarding If you are interested, please email your resume and contact details to [email protected]
品牌故事 來自合歡山拓春園的Gaga茶 南投.合歡山 海拔兩千一百公尺的翠巒力行部落位於合歡山脈,上天賦予這塊土地得天獨厚的條件,土壤適合,溫差大,加上從秋季到初春常有降雪,這裡生產的茶,有著獨特的高冷氣味和果香,清新甘甜,回韻悠揚。這裡住著一群泰雅族原住民茶農,每天勤懇地耕耘,細心的照料著他們祖先留下來的茶園。 夢想的開端,我們以幫助原住民初衷之心,投入經營茶葉事業,秉持以創新、用心、愛心建立「拓春園」優良品牌;希望藉由品牌行銷以及多年的國際貿易經驗,能夠將台灣的優質好茶推向國際市場。我們希望從「拓春園」出發,透過新的合作模式,讓茶農能得到合理的收入,未來且能擴大供應鏈,幫助更多原住民自力更生、使年輕的原住民能返鄉共同為他們的家園打拼。 全球.The Gaga Tea 「拓春園」的品牌英文名為The Gaga。Gaga是泰雅族語,意涵是人與自然萬物互敬互愛,內涵則包括基於祖靈信仰而形成的共同規範、社會誡律,以及共勞共用的精神等。就像奉行Gaga誡律,拓春園的茶葉,採用自然生態農法栽植,尊重生態平衡的作法,使得生長出來的茶葉保留無污染的茶香原味;我們每批茶葉,經過SGS認證,完全符合衛生署農藥殘留標準,以確保消費者喝的安心、健康。加上經由我們老師傅二十多年經驗的獨特烘焙手法,更讓茶葉的品質達到極致。「拓春園」矢志要做出最優質的茶葉,成為台灣茶的精品,除了把優質台灣茶葉的榮耀推向國際舞台,更要讓茶農得到共勞共用的合理回報。 We, TOPANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. is a tea grower, producer and exporter. Our brand “The Gaga” is not influenced by the fame gained by Lady Gaga lately. “Gaga” is a word from language of Taiwan’s Atayal Tribe. It means human beings care, respect and love the creatures in the Universe. The concept of Gaga includes obligation towards social discipline, the spirit of sharing rewards of co-working and coexistence, which are rooted in the faith of ancestors. Just like pursuing and following the discipline, our growers commit to sustain environment by adopting agricultural procedures like reducing the use of chemicals in tea farms. It is not only environmental friendly approach but also give surely to our consumers how tea is produced on the farm by minimizing detrimental environmental impacts while keeping in mind health and safety of the workers along with a safer and healthier product to consume. We are committed to grow and produce superior quality tea to let “The Gaga Tea” brand becomes the best brand of Taiwan tea around the world, as well as help our growers to receive optimal return of their hard work.
Doosan is building a brighter and happier future for people with its power plant technology implemented in Sipat, India, Tennessee, USA, Shuaibah, Saudi Arabia, Ras Laffan, Qatar, and Qinshan, China. Doosan has so far built over 300 nuclear, thermal, combined cycle and hydro power plants. Doosan is currently building more than 60 power plants in Korea, USA, India, China and other countries. Doosan is fast becoming an EPC contractor as a result of continuous investments and R&D, while also developing wind power systems, fuel cells and environmentally friendly next-generation energy. Doosan is one of the few companies in the world that has proprietary technologies for all the three desalination methods (which are MSF, MED and RO) and water/wastewater treatment. Doosan is currently the best in the field of MSF (Multi Stage Flash) desalination with a global market share of over 40%. Doosan is the one that built the world’s largest Shuaibah Desalination Plant Phase 3 with a daily desalination capacity of 880,000 tons in Saudi Arabia as well as the world’s first hybrid desalination plant combined with both MSF and RO systems in Fujairah, UAE. As a total water solution provider, Doosan is creating value for the world. Doosan also supplies casting and forging products, which are the basic materials for power and desalination plants. Doosan is one of the best companies in the world in SOC projects such as road, port, airport and subway construction as well as in the construction of industrial plants. Doosan will strive to become the ‘Global Leader In Power & Water’ through continuous corporate restructuring, marketing expansion, technology R&D and development of new growth engines. 本公司韓商斗山重企業股份有限公司,目前在高雄縣永安鄉興達發電廠承攬”興達一、二號機鍋爐性能改善及增設選擇性觸媒還原設備工程計畫”之建造工程。急需專業人士一同參與。
由香格里拉飯店集團,營運管理的台北遠東國際大飯店,矗立於規畫完整並具有複合功能的層高 43 樓,遠企中心廣場上,坐擁敦化南路精華地段,是一個豪華五星級飯店,位於敦化南路,是台北最新、成長最快的商業精華區;據桃園中正機場約45分鐘車程,而距市中心商圈亦僅5分鐘車程。擁有 422 間精緻客房,包括 50 間雅仕套房,3 間特級套房及台北市最負盛名的總統套房。富麗堂皇的宴會廳,可容納300 人以上。所有宴會廳及會議廳均備有最先進的視聽設備。 具現代化休閒設施的健身俱樂部,包括 7 樓戶外游泳池,頂樓溫水游泳池,按摩池、三溫暖、蒸氣浴、按摩服務、設備先進之健身房、有氧舞蹈室、 娛樂休閒廳及四十樓私人三溫暖室。 Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei’s premier luxury hotel, occupies an ideal location in the heart of the city’s flourishing business district on fashionable Tun Hwa South Road, just five minutes away from the Taipei World Trade Convention and Exhibition Centre. The hotel comprises 420 exquisitely appointed luxury guest rooms, including 53 suites. The d?cor throughout the hotel exudes a perfect blend of the East and West, including artworks inspired by classical Sung dynasty pieces. Taking advantage of the unique curved shape and soaring height of our signature building, which is the tallest hotel in the city, all rooms and suites have engaging and varied views of the Taipei skyline and the surrounding mountains.
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